The filtering device has many kinds, I heard there is a new filtration equipment is called the bag type filter device, the filter equipment have what advantage? Many people want to know, the first let me introduce the liquid bag type filter device.
Liquid bag filter equipment refers to the filtration equipment manufactured by punching plate inside the basket support liquid filter bag, liquid flows from the inlet, the outflow of the liquid filter bag, impurities were intercepted in the liquid filter bags, liquid filter bag can be replaced or cleaned. This is a new filtration system. Its advantages are mainly embodied in the following aspects:
⑴ 构造紧凑、尺寸合理。安装及操作简略、便利,占地面积较小。
The structure is compact, the size is reasonable. The installation and operation simple, convenient, less occupation area.
⑵ 过滤精度高,适用于任何细微颗粒或悬浮物,过滤范围可从0.5~200微米。
The high filtration precision, applicable to any fine particles or suspended solids, filtering can range from 0.5 to 200 microns.
⑶ 单位过滤面积的处置流量较大,过滤阻力较小,过滤功率高。一个液体过滤袋过滤功用相当于滤芯5~10倍,可大大降低本钱;规划流量能够满意1~500m3/h要求,本钱造价低。
The unit filter area disposal flow is larger, the smaller the filtration of filtration resistance, high power. A liquid filter bag filter function is equivalent to 5 ~ 10 times, can greatly reduce the cost; planning flow can be satisfied with 1 ~ 500m3/h requirements, cost low cost.
⑷ 用处广泛,可用于粗滤、中滤或精滤;在到达相同过滤作用的情况下,对比起板框精滤机、滤芯式过滤器等设备具有出资本钱较低、运用寿命长和过滤本钱低一级长处。耐磨焊条
We use a wide range, can be used for coarse filtration, filter or fine filter; filtration function in arrive in the same circumstances, compared to frame the fine filter, cartridge filters and other equipment with a capital is low, the use of long life and low cost level filtering strengths. Electrode wear
⑸ 过滤精度高,过滤处置量大,具有本钱低、功率高等特色。
The high precision of filtration, filter processing capacity, with lower cost and high power characteristics.
⑹ 液体袋式过滤设备免清洁,替换液体过滤袋可在30秒内完结,便利快捷,省工省时。
When a "liquid bag filter equipment free cleaning, replacement of liquid filter bag can be convenient in 30 seconds to the end, and is labor-saving and time-saving.
⑺ 液体袋式过滤设备规格齐全,有低压式、侧入式、顶入式、多袋式、卧式。
Liquid bag filter equipment, complete specifications, low pressure, lateral, top entry type, multi bag, horizontal.
⑻ 单袋式过滤设备有:1号机、2号机、3号机、4号机、5号机。
Therefore single bag filter equipment: Unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 4, Unit No. 5.
⑼ 多袋式过滤设备可满意不同流量的过滤要求。
Only multi bag filter equipment can be satisfied with different traffic filtering requirements.
⑽ 袋式过滤设备材质包含不锈钢SUS304、SUS316、SUS316L。
That bag filter equipment material containing stainless steel SUS304, SUS316, SUS316L.